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Sunday Mornings

We invite you to join us on Sundays.

10:00 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages

10:00 a.m. - Worship

At Ribstone, every week is different.

We have a number of people who plan

the services and preach.

Some weeks we have hymns,

some we have praise music,

but mostly we have a combination.


We have so much to offer at Ribstone.

Here are just some of our programs.

E.S.T. (youth group) - Monthly, during school year

Youth Group

Women's Department - Twice Yearly

Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Yearly in Summer

Trunk 'n' Treat - Yearly in October

Truck Pull - Yearly in September

On-going: Prayer Chain


At Ribstone we are known for our generosity and community involvement.

Here are some examples of our giving.

~ Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Collection

~ World Accord

   (Loonies for Literacy and Change for Change)

~ Food Bank

~ CKSA/CITL Annual White Gifts

~ CKSA/CITL Annual Mitten Drive

~ Food Trays for Seniors at Christmas

~ Builds in Honduras

~ Citizenship Award at local school

~ Peace Awards at local school

~ Mother's Day Shower for Interval Home

~ Father's Day Shower for Men's Shelter

Ribstone Community of Christ copyright 2018

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